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  1. C

    Husband won’t open a joint account…. Thoughts?

    @pr0cessa Very odd behavior. It’s one thing to overlook adding you and another to repeatedly promise to and not follow through. This isn’t normal. You don’t say what reason he’s given for not giving you free access to the joint account. As others have said, this is the definition of financial...
  2. C

    What did your kids have for lunch this week

    @joegibson 18 months: an orange or banana, string cheese or cubed Muenster, a slice of whole-wheat toast with almond butter, yoghurt for spoon practice.
  3. C

    No preschool?

    @lizzieb90 Why do people feel like they have any right to an opinion about how you raise your kids? Luckily, I’ve yet to experience such assholery. I’m still undecided about preschool. I MIGHT do it if there’s a convenient local program, otherwise I’ll purchase a preschool curriculum and do it...
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    Fair Distribution of Labor?

    @monique77 Have you spoken to him about this? How does he react?
  5. C

    Fair Distribution of Labor?

    @toysernis1 A little harsh to call looking after a baby for eight+ hours as doing “absolutely nothing”.