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  1. H

    Any articles on car seat time limit safety? Husband wants to take 6 m y/o on 25 hour trrip

    @umaid I’m assuming your baby is like a month old right now, right? Try a day trip to Niagara Falls, include the border crossing. I think this will quickly convince your husband how hard it is to be in the car with a screaming baby while you’re focusing on the road. We have a remarkably chill...
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    Will my toddler ever stop fighting bedtime? It's been 6 months..

    @wingsofeagles2012 Hang in there, my daughter is the same age (and I have a baby due any day) and I know this motherhood stuff can be so so so hard. My patience has been worn so thin lately but it helps me to remember “she’s not giving me a hard time, she’s having a hard time.” She doesn’t know...
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    Will my toddler ever stop fighting bedtime? It's been 6 months..

    @wingsofeagles2012 What does her day to day look like? Does she get a lot of good one on one time with you every day (no judgement! I know lots of folks work long hours and are completely drained by the end of the work day). I’ve heard about kids who are in daycare having evening meltdowns with...
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    Your unconventional schedules and scheduling “hacks”

    @tracy777 My unconventional(?) hack is that my toddler showers with me most of the time. This is new in the last few months but it works out well for us and that way I’m not spending time bathing myself and her separately. I also do this at whatever time of day or night suits our needs. I...
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    Unexpected anxiety

    @jl090812 Yeah I definitely recommend getting the NIPT. It’s 100% worth it
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    Anyone else walk into a big box store and feel like they’re the only ones awake in some sort of toxic capitalist matrix?

    @hurrix This is gonna seem kind of ridiculous but thanks for your comment, it reminded me that I meant to donate to International Rescue Committee this week. This is definitely a plug but I’m not an employee of theirs or anything. I just think they’re a great non profit doing great work...
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    Camping with an infant?

    @nontheologian I love this idea
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    Camping with an infant?

    @clmorgan My understanding, from my pediatrician, is that you can take a longer car trip you just want to take them out of the car seat every two hours to change their diaper and let them stretch out and get in new positions and stuff for a while.
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    38, 9weeks pregnant w GD and UTI

    @jasono ☹️ sorry bud, that really sucks. It’ll be over soon and your body will start feeling more normal and more like “just yours” again.
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    38, 9weeks pregnant w GD and UTI

    @jasono Can you decrease your sugar intake? Sometimes if I have a day where I eat a lot of sugar it can throw off my flora and my vagina will be itchy for a day or two but not become a full blown yeast infection.