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  1. R

    Do we stay, safe, or move and risk everything?

    @dixiegospel Do consider the weather. I am from Wisconsin and currently live in the PNW. Superior is COLD in the winter. Some people love it. It will not get above 30 from December - February and there will be snow in April.
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    Breaking great-grandma’s heart for not letting baby CIO

    @kinai I'm guessing baby won't sleep in the car. Mine never ever did.
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    Do you tell your pediatrician you’re bedsharing ?

    @sazbastein wow that's crazy. At my office it's part of the paperwork to ask if we are bedsharing. Nothing was ever mentioned.
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    Almost 2 1/2 year old is a stage 5 twiddler and I’m overstimulated!

    @vivian56 They make a nipple like fidget and also breastfeeding necklaces to fidget with. Can you try either of those to replace the sensory need for her other hand? My son likes to play dentist with my mouth and getting a fidget necklace has been super helpful.
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    8 Month onld only getting 1, 2 hour nap, at daycare per day. Any studies if that is enough?

    @the_precious_one Do you mean transition to one nap (in your first sentence)? Just wondering if you made a typo. I think the one nap transition happens around 15 months
  6. R

    There will never be a perfect time

    @oneironaut27 I am a believer that there is never a perfect time, but there are also plenty of shitty times to have kids lol. It sounds like you're in a great place to have kids. I think the most important thing is to have a solid relationship and solid income, which you do. I totally get that...