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  1. W


    @soosh8005 I'm so excited to take my child to Disneyland! I am thinking the summer she's turning four (2026) and I hope we can all enjoy it. I definetly wouldn't be taking her that young if I had another kid to look out for at the same time!
  2. W

    Can't transfer baby to crib - what am I doing wrong??

    @rightway16 You're not doing anything wrong, babies are just different. Some are more sensitive and need more skin-to-skin and more of your warmth and presence. I couldn't put my baby down for the first 6 months (she napped in my arms, and we co-slept). And it wasn't for lack of trying every...
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    I don’t get why people want more than one

    @olivemcr I have a super chill 18 month old and have enjoyed every stage from newborn to now. I still cannot imagine how people have the energy for more than one, ESPECIALLY so close in age! How do you have time to even enjoy it anymore??