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    @nyvic Still not an excuse, though. But some (especially older) doctors are very black and white. If they didn’t see you, you aren’t there.
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    @nyvic Some doctors are out of touch with the people side. Our doctors round in the morning and ask us to notify them when parents are at the bedside for updates. If parents don’t come by 4pm, they’ll call them. I’ve had docs make similar comments to me because THEY haven’t seen the parents in...
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    Is it acceptable to pushback? I feel they could get him home faster.

    @eline That’s really good! Definitely encourages me as an RN that there’s likely nothing suuuper concerning my going on! Some babes just need a little time, and we want to make sure they are as safe as possible to send home!
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    Is it acceptable to pushback? I feel they could get him home faster.

    @eline Are they concerned about reflux or aspiration? Reflux is pretty common and unfortunate but not too much we can do about that. Aspiration is when fluid goes into the lungs as well as esophagus when they are eating, which can cause desats and much much worse. With aspiration we absolutely...
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    Full Term Baby, blood ox levels low to mid 90s

    @shermainehelenalyssalau NICU RN here! For all of our patients we have the parameters set to be above 88% on the pulse ox. Really we want to see above 90%. If she’s higher when awake and a bit lower when asleep, that’s fairly normal. We see that a LOT, especially in our patients still on oxygen...
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    Antibiotics given for RDS and I’m mad about it

    @kingskid001 It is possible to get an infection in-utero or to pick up an infection from mom while passing through the birth canal (if a vaginal birth.) Your son quite possibly did NOT have pneumonia, and just got what we call prophylactic antibiotic treatment (just in case!) but it does happen...
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    Antibiotics given for RDS and I’m mad about it

    @kingskid001 NICU nurse here! We treat all babies who develop RDS quickly after birth as though they could have sepsis, from delivery, from in-utero infection, from something mom may have been colonized with, etc. Sometimes it is sepsis or an infection and we save the child’s life. Sometimes it...