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  1. C

    Baby is almost 6 months EFF and waking 2-3 x night to eat

    @wantsgirl 😂 It is so annoying. They are lucky they are so cute, right? He will be so tired and as soon as I put him down he is cooing and smiling like he was never tired. Or he will be asleep and then a few moments later he senses he is not being held and starts screaming hysterically. 🙄
  2. C

    Baby is almost 6 months EFF and waking 2-3 x night to eat

    Oh, he also refuses to nap unless it is a contact nap. I cannot properly take care of my other children because he will not nap unless I am lying beside him or holding him. And no, a baby carrier isn’t working, he hates that.
  3. C

    Baby is almost 6 months EFF and waking 2-3 x night to eat

    @wantsgirl Thank you for the solidarity. 💕 How long did it take for your son to only get to the one bottle a night? I would prefer no bottle at night of course, but 2-3 of them is driving me insane. I don’t even understand how he can eat so much. 😭😂
  4. C

    Baby is almost 6 months EFF and waking 2-3 x night to eat

    Baby will be 6 months old in 11 days, he is exclusively formula fed. He is waking up 2-3 times to have a bottle of 4-6 ounces each time. I am exhausted and often unable to wake up in the morning to get my older child to school on time. He eats around 48-52 ounces in a 24 hour period! He is...