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    Sitting here with my newborn sleeping on my chest and I can’t imagine doing this while having another child too

    @genuinedad1968 I wish I loved the newborn phase but it’s been kicking my ass and I had a breakdown last night from sleep deprivation. The only good part is obviously how cute the baby is but other than that it’s pure survival
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    Sitting here with my newborn sleeping on my chest and I can’t imagine doing this while having another child too

    @122r I’m so sorry about the epidural, that sounds like a nightmare honestly. And same with my baby, he had a hard time latching and by day 2 in the hospital he was screaming starving so that’s when we just did formula and whatever I pumped at home we’d give him too. I definitely want to get on...
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    Help on when to track ovulation w irregular

    @theologybuff When I first started testing I tested every single day for a while because I had irregular periods and I didn’t know the signs of ovulation. Then once I had a pattern I could pick up on the physical ovulation signs like clear mucus, very mild cramping, tiredness, etc. I’d say test...
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    Sitting here with my newborn sleeping on my chest and I can’t imagine doing this while having another child too

    @88delivered My milk came in on day 3 and I pumped like 4 times a day (no schedule just whenever I had the chance) for 2 weeks but I barely produced any (might be bc I have PCOS). I had maybe 1.5/2oz in total from a whole day so I’d give my LO a bottle of that. A few days ago I just stopped...
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    Sitting here with my newborn sleeping on my chest and I can’t imagine doing this while having another child too

    @88delivered I was formula fed from 2 weeks on and I don’t want to brag but I was a straight A honors student my whole school career and throughout university, so I’m very pro formula and fed is best 😊😊
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    Sitting here with my newborn sleeping on my chest and I can’t imagine doing this while having another child too

    @88delivered Congrats on your little one! I hope you have a smooth recovery but yes it’s painful and absolutely not something to be taken lightly. I was combo feeding from the start but now I’m soley doing formula bc breastfeeding turned out way too stressful and pumping was so time consuming.
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    Newborn with super long wake windows?? Should I be concerned?

    @jonathan787 My 2 week old is doing something similar. I noticed that once he wakes up in the morning at like 6am, he’ll be wide awake until like 11am and then will finally nap for maybe 45minutes-1 hour and then will start sleeping longer in the afternoon and night. I’ve also been trying to...
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    Sitting here with my newborn sleeping on my chest and I can’t imagine doing this while having another child too

    @moodymoose77 Mine is 2.5 weeks old and I gave up on pumping bc it took away too much precious sleep time😭 Some days if I brush my teeth that’s an accomplishment! It’s crazy
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    Sitting here with my newborn sleeping on my chest and I can’t imagine doing this while having another child too

    @raulcraven I’ve definitely felt like a failure too bc I always saw myself having lots of kids and my boyfriend also always wanted 3 or 4 kids but after going through what I went through with pregnancy and delivery and now the newborn phase, we agreed on OAD. I always wanted a big family but I...
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    Sitting here with my newborn sleeping on my chest and I can’t imagine doing this while having another child too

    @mysillyrandomname Im currently responding after my boyfriend and I both tried everything under the sun to calm our crying baby who ended up having a bunch of gas and is now good. We give all of our attention to the baby, there’s no way I’d be able to do this AND a toddler who is probably even...
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    Sitting here with my newborn sleeping on my chest and I can’t imagine doing this while having another child too

    @whoops Absolutely! Birth can be so traumatic and it really does stay with you. When I think back to what I felt during the c-section and afterwards, I get horrible anxiety and a knot in my stomach, I can’t even begin to process those thoughts and feelings. I really think it must be some low...
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    Sitting here with my newborn sleeping on my chest and I can’t imagine doing this while having another child too

    @tabbywabby788 Thank you! And I feel the same! If I had another I’d have to divide my time but no way it would be equal bc newborns need to much attention. I just want to be the best parent and give my all to my son.
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    Sitting here with my newborn sleeping on my chest and I can’t imagine doing this while having another child too

    @kobestutri It’s the same with pregnancy. I had a really hard pregnancy too and I was just wishing for it to end and I don’t think I’ll ever forget how difficult it was on my body. I don’t understand the people who say they forget about their difficult pregnancy. And now the newborn phase, how...
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    Sitting here with my newborn sleeping on my chest and I can’t imagine doing this while having another child too

    I am one and done. I had a traumatic unplanned c-section and recovery was awful. Then I couldn’t breastfeed and that was so stressful. Then we had issues with formula feeding bc LO was having so many tummy troubles and screaming for hours. And also just the waking up every 3 hours to a baby...