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  1. M

    Visitors immediately post c-section

    @cbmiller For me, I was excited to show the baby off and again, for me, I was in the best spirits while I was still doped up lol. I had parents and siblings all to the hospital in the first day or two. In the days and weeks afterwards it would have been very difficult for me to deal with people...
  2. M

    Can't transfer baby to crib - what am I doing wrong??

    @buckeye_momof4 The pressure round the middle could help arms out style, or love to dream puts them in the goalpost position!
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    Can't transfer baby to crib - what am I doing wrong??

    @rightway16 Is he swaddled? If he's not rolling yet you might try it.
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    Can't transfer baby to crib - what am I doing wrong??

    @3eyeswideopen Ugh that's painful 😖
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    Can't transfer baby to crib - what am I doing wrong??

    @hope013 When people talk about contact napping they are usually talking about daytime sleep, not night time. Night time sleep develops earlier than daytime sleep and I think most babies cAn be laid down at night and sleep at least for a while at a time.