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    1 year mark

    @ericguitarman My daughter is 15 months and I really like this phase. For me things got easier when we started sleeping better, she started walking, I stopped breastfeeding, when she dropped to one nap, and I went back to work. (Ohh... and when I started anxiety meds)
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    OAD because sleep!

    @stripe My girl is 14 months and although I had a very rough delivery, long recovery, and very challenging time breastfeeding (that led to exclusively pumping).... it's the sleep that makes me never want another. I just can't do it. I'm exhausted 24/7 and can barely function. I want to enjoy...
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    OAD because sleep!

    @romanianpentecostal I always knew I needed a lot of sleep but just assumed I'd be able to deal with it. I thought having a baby meant I'd be tired all the time.... I didn't know it would mean I'd be unable to control my emotions and feel depressed. When I get enough sleep I feel like a totally...
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    Are you OAD because you're scared of childbirth? C-sec to VBAC

    @stewy0042 I'm not scared of birth but I don't want to have years and years of recovery. I had a 4th degree tear so I'll likely require a c-section if I have another. I'm almost a year postpartum and still physically recovering. I just want my body back to normal and having another baby will...
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    Traumatic Birth Expirience Made me Decide to Be OAD

    @kwildson I am so sorry you went through that. I also am OAD because I don't want to put my body through it all again. I find that it helps me to hear about other people's (difficult) birth experiences so I realize I am not alone. I get triggered when I hear people who had super positive and...
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    Exploring the idea of OAD

    @rainbow42 5 weeks is very very early. Obviously at this point you're still physically recovering and have so many phases to go through. I, too, always wanted 2 kids but for a variety of reasons, am definitely leaning toward being OAD. I'm 10 months postpartum (which is also early!!) and also...