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  1. B

    How long should dads take paternity leave if they can afford to?

    @sonnybaker I'm a lady lurker here. But I work with probably 90 percent males, and many of a certain religion known for having lots of kids. The most I've seen anyone take is 2 weeks off. My current company has no leave, and right or wrong, 2 days is the norm. Is your spouse in an industry like...
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    Not to be a hater but

    @cewilder Yeah I'm expecting we will hit full OPM for 2 years @ a lovely 25k. If we spend less-great. I'm on my husband's better plan too. Then 5 days paid mat leave (which just happened last year when the first woman on the board had a baby) and 3 weeks paid STD at 60 percent. Husband has no...
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    Not to be a hater but

    @anonymous778 I'm surprised that would even be the case years ago. I only know of 2 companies in my industry that have any paternity leave.
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    Suggestions for research into fertility and pregnancy health?

    @lifebyfire88 The Fertility Friday podcast is pretty good. The first few episodes would pair nicely with TCOYF