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  1. W

    Letrozole Ultrasound: Will I Not Ovulate This Cycle Too?

    @woodznutz Yes :( I asked the doctor the same questions on the spot when she was doing my ultrasound; unfortunately, she didn’t provide much insight except for let’s wait until CD21 :( i thought I’d check here first so that I can possibly plan the next couple of days accordingly for ovulation
  2. W

    Letrozole Ultrasound: Will I Not Ovulate This Cycle Too?

    @godsplan Ahh this was so helpful and exactly the insight I was looking for - thank you so much!!! No trigger shot planned for this cycle (honestly, my doctor hasn’t informed me about that as an option either 😭 this is the first time I’m hearing about this as well for non-IUI/IVF!) Assuming you...
  3. W

    Letrozole Ultrasound: Will I Not Ovulate This Cycle Too?

    Hi! I’m on my first medicated cycle: 1. Provera - to induce period after 70+ days without one (bless, it worked!) 2. Letrozole 2.5mg starting on day 3 - for ovulation induction) Having preovulation symptoms (e.g. transition from creamy to very watery CM) and with today being day 5 after...