@gerranscub Yeah and if you want to continue using the pack n play you have to store the changing table/bassinet portion somewhere else. We ended up not going with any of the extra portions and thank god we didn’t because we hit the bassinet and changing table weight limit really quick.
@alh We got these for our 8 week old and they have a great fit and color variety.
Carter's Baby Boys 4-Pack Cotton Kimono Tees https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SB2T345/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_9J2B73TNJ0K5Y8JFWX32
@yarnknitting My company has that policy. You can use your bonding leave anytime during the first year. I actually had a coworker who had hers still when COVID hit and she was able to use her bonding leave when her son was around 5 months and she had to pull him from daycare.