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    9 month old is waking up for 1-2 hours at night now

    @salpizo2011 Normal. It’ll pass.
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    Tricks for longer night stretches?

    @gym_class_hero My son started as a newborn with 2 hour stretched and by 4 months started the night with a 4 hour stretch then every 2 hours. Then by the time he was 5.5 months old he was waking up every 30min to 60min until he was 10 months old. That about broke us…and then he started doing...
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    Early wake-ups, previously ‘sleep trained’ 15 month old

    @redsmire It just doesn’t sound like he’s sleepy? What’s his daily schedule like though. My son dropped to 1 nap at 15 months..
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    Our 10mo is finally sleeping longer stretches (somewhat)

    @laurie4321 Thank you. It works for us because normal cosleeping never worked for us :/ this is the alternative. Thanks again.
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    Our 10mo is finally sleeping longer stretches (somewhat)

    @laurie4321 The one on the right is queen normal mattress, the left is a crib mattress. They’re just on the floor so they’re essentially floor beds. My son likes jumping on and off the queen one so it’s like a little jungle gym for him when he’s awake. We rock him to sleep on the chair across...
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @opsthryl Yeah he’s almost 5 months so maybe it is ??? It’s like his system is telling him to wake at 8 and go to bed at 9-10
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    Our 10mo is finally sleeping longer stretches (somewhat)

    @joandee Thanks yep I was suffering for a while haha
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @opsthryl When he wakes up in the morning? It depends on the day but mostly he just wakes up and plays no crying or hunger
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    Our 10mo is finally sleeping longer stretches (somewhat)

    @soulhealthy Yeah ours is somewhat of a cryer and he will just cry even if there’s nothing wrong. I wish we didn’t have to do it but it seems he wants to get it out before he eventually falls back asleep. Idk what that’s about. Regardless, yeah I’m hoping for more improvement. But it seems...
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @opsthryl Yes I actually have been doing this. Every day is different since his naps range widely from 30-45 mins and it affects his bedtime. I noticed he gets super tired after 9pm no matter when his 4th nap was. I just haven’t seen him ever sleep before 9pm no matter when I wake him in the...
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    Increasing milk supply

    @chelseyylynn44 Oatmeal, flax seed, fennel, bulgur, and coconut milk has helped a lot
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @opsthryl My baby wakes at 8am but still insists on going to bed for the night after 9pm I don’t get why he can’t just go to sleep at 8-8:30pm. We have a similar schedule to yours and by the time the 4th nap is done he wants a 5th nap (we try making it his bedtime but he treats it as a nap). Do...
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    Our 10mo is finally sleeping longer stretches (somewhat)

    Since month 5.5 our son has been waking every 1-1.5hrs at night. We do the whole routine of bath, milk, pjs, and rock/feed in the chair with bottle to sleep and then transfer and his wake windows are perfect because his naps have significantly improved at the 6.5month mark.. But only NOW is he...
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @pastor_rob Yeah he’s going to daycare in June and it could very well all go to shit 🥴, plus we have to potty train him…and he is going to have a new brother in 2 weeks. All these changes are most likely going to affect his sleep. Can’t wait haha
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @pastor_rob My son only now at 23 months is maaaybe waking up 1 time at night. It took a long while to get to that point. Sorry to say but you may have to wait longer, but it will happen. Every child is different, so it’s all up in the air which is so annoying. I do make sure he gets a 1.5-2hr...
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @opsthryl Ah ok so gradually you weaned him…I guess the pls book also mentions you can wean by giving less and less. My 4.5 month old struggles to eat enough because of different reasons but mainly bc he’s so distracted and he also changes his mind about what bottle he wants and it’s super...
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @opsthryl Wanted to ask you how much he eats during each dream feed and how he sleeps so much after each one!