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  1. J

    AITA for not wanting to go to restaurants with our 13 m.o. twins?

    @james02s40 Um, does it sound like crazy-town to take 13 month old twins to a resturant? Yes. I'm not taking my nine month olds because that sounds like a lot of work, I assume I'll feel it similarily five months from now. But once you got there, yeah, you're kind of TA for making your wife...
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    How to keep a fair and equal relationship between myself and the twins?

    @david282 I have noticed myself, not favoring necessarily one twin over the other, but feeling a different sort of connection. But, it’s changed over time. I think it has to do with who is needing me the most. I feel drawn towards the one that is being more independent. At first, twin a was a...
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    AITA for not wanting to go to restaurants with our 13 m.o. twins?

    @wandererofthewastes I do kind of think he's an AH for making his wife get up when she's only halfway through her dinner. Like, I get anxiety makes us act unreasonably and we can't always control our reactions, but...I say this as someone that greatly benefited from therapy and meds, you've got...
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    IVF Twins: 2 girls, or 1 boy + 1 girl, what would you pick?

    @chuckm I don’t have experience with IVF, my twins were spontaneous. That said, if I were to try to imagine myself in your shoes I would want to do whatever my doctor recommends as my best shot to have a viable and healthy pregnancy. If that’s transferring two, that’s what I’d go for. But if...
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    How do I set my wife up in a realistic way for our twins arrival in Jan…

    @cinder7 I mean, I wouldn’t fight her too hard or reason with her unless or until the doctor says it’s time to go and non-negotiable and she’s dragging her heels. Yeah, lots of twins come early (and as a consequence are small), but neither you nor your wife know how it will go for her. Maybe...
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    My husband and I just got a call after my 14 m.o. daughters’ first week at a new daycare…

    @tmp These rates would still be a steal in my area…but I would be peeved if I’d only be at a daycare a week and they wanted to raise my rates this much right away.
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    Vanishing Twin Syndrome? Mono/Mono or Mono/Di (TW possible loss)

    @brandi3167 I am by no means an expert but to my understanding vanishing twins are very common even in identical twins (maybe even more common in identicals) - and many women that have that happen go on to have a healthy normal pregnancy. So while I don’t know why, it would seem that vanishing...
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    Vanishing Twin Syndrome? Mono/Mono or Mono/Di (TW possible loss)

    @brandi3167 If they are identical - they will have the same dna. So…if twin b has a chromosomal abnormality, unfortunately so too would twin a.
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    Vanishing Twin Syndrome? Mono/Mono or Mono/Di (TW possible loss)

    @brandi3167 So I have didi twins (aka they had their own placentas and sacs and were totally seperate), but to my understanding with improved imaging technology we are learning that vanishing twins are much more common than we thought; many women had it happen and never even knew. I think...
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    S.I.T.B.A.C.K. with twins

    @ananymous So, I read a lot of different things when my babies were little to get ideas (I liked precious little sleep), but here’s the thing, babies are people, and people are different, and what works for one person may not work for others. Humans of all ages aren’t machines that come with...