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  1. C

    Which maternity leave option would you take ?

    @victoriala108 I wouldn't deplete anyone's PTO. In the first year you'll have a handful of doctor appointments for LO. I would take those into consideration. Typically you can expect: Follow up from birth (3-5 days after discharge from hospital) 2 week check up 2 month check up 4 month...
  2. C

    Those who are in an office full time (let’s say 8-5), what’s the rest of your day look like?

    @pastorjeremiah I wake up about 30 minutes before my 1 year old to watch the news, prep daycare bag, and do a little tidying (or else the dogs will destroy any toys left out lol). Afternoons, I only get 1.5-2 hours with my kid before he is ready for bed, so we eat supper and play in the living...
  3. C

    Had an endodontic procedure very early in first pregnancy, looking for reassurance (X-rays, local anesthesia w/ epi, sodium hypo, etc.)

    @mapleleafsnjesus When I was a few weeks pregnant (hadn't found out yet), I went to a chiropractor for lower back pain. Did multiple x-rays and got adjusted. Didn't have any issues with my pregnancy.
  4. C

    RTF formula: is it really necessary for newborns

    @lewis5398 Never used RTF, only powder. We didn't have any issues with it.