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  1. P

    SOS - Save Our Supply

    @cigartigher I agree as well, and would like to add that hard breasts are not full--they are engorged, and engorgement is actually inflammation. Soft breasts are working breasts.
  2. P

    Is it A) Congestion B) Over/under tiredness C) Something else ?

    @conzie Sounds more like a schedule issue than about congestion.
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    11 month old nursing

    @whitney5388 That sounds more like a sleep issue than a feeding issue, tbh.
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    11 month old nursing

    @whitney5388 At his age, 0-2 overnight feeds max is normal. He could also go longer between daytime feedings (counting from the start of one feeding to the start of another). Around his birthday, he should be starting to switch from "food before one is just for fun" to eating gradually more and...
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    Sleeping through the night

    @afx27 Yeah, they tend to get more efficient (and distractible!) that way. 😊
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    Sleeping through the night

    @afx27 My 5 month old has been sleeping from bedtime to wakeup since he was about 3-3.5 months old. We usually nurse 5-6 times a day (used to be 5, but things have gotten wonky with the 4-3 nap transition, so I'm doing a top-up feeding before second nap and/or just before bed, depending on when...
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    Cracked and bleeding

    @jd1998 Nipple cream (I use lanolin, but there are ones that aren't animal product-based)! Also look up how to make sure she's latching properly and if she hasn't been assessed for tongue and lip ties already, ask at her appointment in the morning. Finally, there are multiple different ways to...