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  1. B

    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @girl4god86 Not sure why. My mom got preeclampsia with me and we both nearly died. I was in the NICU for months and my mom has had fairly minor albeit lifelong side effects. Then my parents decided to have my sister a few years later. Queue the preeclampsia, sickness, NICU stay. By some...
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    "The Wagon Stroller Will be a Waste of Money Without a Sibling..."

    @snpdoll11 I’m sure it’s easy for someone to say they want more kids when they’re not the ones giving birth, changing diapers, and generally taking care of the child. It sounds like he wants the Kodak moments but not the day to day responsibility
  3. B

    Will my only be too lonely?

    @momof452 As someone who has a sister, I can tell you that your son and his potential sibling probably won’t be around each other as much as you might think. They’ll each develop their own hobbies and friend groups. And there’s no guarantee that they’ll genuinely like each other. Some siblings...
  4. B

    How do I stop feeling absolutely awful about not giving my child a sibling?P

    @missaqua It’s not your job or responsibility to give your child a sibling. It’s a myth that siblings are built in friends, and that only children are completely miserable without siblings. I know a few siblings that refuse to talk to each other after years of fighting. Each kid is their own...