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  1. J

    Baby E's Birth Story - A Wall o' Text in 6 Parts..

    @kingv Awww, she's such a cutie! What a great write up - so glad to hear you got your un-medicated birth, even though it was really hard!
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    D&E - done!

    @yscp So glad it went well and that it's over! I really hope that this is the last of the shittiness for you, and that all goes super well from here on out!
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    [Birth Update] Miles is here!

    @littlemelittleu2 CONGRATULATIONS!!! He is so adorable, Val! I'm so glad it went well, it sounds like you rocked that labor! I can't stop smiling for you, I was so happy to see this update!!
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    Due Date List & link to birth stories for the months Nov-Jan

    @henryt My due date needs to be changed to the 12th of May, and I'm having a girl :) Thanks!
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    Baby J has arrived! Birth Story to Follow

    @soldier4ujesus Oh wow! Congratulations, glad she is healthy and hopefully you aren't feeling too bad yourself!
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    James Anthony - birth story and background

    @nalle Congratulations! He's adorable :)
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    [Q] Help An Accurate Basal Thermometer ±0.1 °F? Significant Digits vs. Tech Specs

    @ecaush It's not currently available on Amazon, but this is the one I used: It only records to the tenth place, but I think for most people, that's all...