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    Is it normal for a multilingual child to learn to read slower?

    @seamuskaxen I could see how learning to read is possibly easier but French is not Spanish. Spanish you won't misspell. French orthography is hard and many folks graduate high school with bad spelling. I mean they're even changing the rules for plural it's that hard.
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    37 weeks, twin girls, natural or section?

    @nirajrana This should be way higher!!! OP, It sounds like your OB will not deliver B breech. That means your chances of having one vaginal and one C-section are way higher (and it is already a high chance). To me that would be it. We are told everywhere that c-sections are bad. But we have...
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    Is it normal for a multilingual child to learn to read slower?

    @animore Uh? French orthography is not easy hence why they do so many "dictées" there are so many similar sounds spelled differently. That is just not a true statement.
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    Is it normal for a multilingual child to learn to read slower?

    @tomorrow Your child is very young still. A 5yo should not have homework. Talk to the teacher and ask about expectations. In many places, even in the rest of Canada, 5yo are not expected to know how to read. Things need to click for children. It will happen. Considering your high involvement...
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    Is it normal for a multilingual child to learn to read slower?

    @tomorrow Please don't worry! She's on her own schedule. And 5 is young.
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    Is it normal for a multilingual child to learn to read slower?

    @longroad Had to scroll so far to see this! Yes a 5 1/2 year old won't necessarily know how to read!!! It's SO early. Like with everything it needs to click. Children should play.
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    How to prep for c-section ? Nervous!

    @julianchu Compression socks; they didn't have that in my hospital. I couldn't even fit in my flip flops when I left. They belly bands from the hospital really helped and I was able to go up and down the stairs no problem. With the band.
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    Another day, another question

    @pena150695 If they suggest a CT scan, they probably have done the cost benefit/analysis of radiation exposure and estimate the information gained would be more beneficial than the limited exposure. I'd follow their lead.