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  1. G

    Why should I not let my baby “use me as a human pacifier”

    @yoshinat0r Stuff like this comes up all the time in parenting-related subreddits: is it okay to nurse to sleep, do I have to sleep train, is it okay to always rock my baby to sleep, etc. Ultimately, in the vast majority of situations, the “harm” is that it can end up being wildly...
  2. G

    No colostrum at 36 hours postpartum

    @sam4242 I never produced any colostrum with my first. None. Not even 1 mL. I gave him formula but still put him on the boob a ton. Day 4, my milk came in like gangbusters, and he went on to be a 99th percentile chonk from my milk alone. I’ve never figured out why my colostrum didn’t come in, it...