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  1. B

    I missed another first and I’m really sad about it

    @dezzy My daughter is in daycare so I’m sure I’ve missed lots of her “firsts”. To help with the feelings of missing out on these firsts, I say “okay, she may have had a first xy&z, but she will still have her first time WITH ME!” When you take your son to see the fire trucks it will be his first...
  2. B

    co-parent just admitted roommate is using drugs

    Ketamine is a horse tranquilizer that causes people to hallucinate, become detached from reality, sometimes can cause anxiety and violence and can effect senses for up to 24 hours after use (from the food and drug admissions website) you are right to be furious and scared. Keep your daughter...
  3. B

    co-parent just admitted roommate is using drugs

    @uk1872 Apply for an emergency custody order to get your daughter full time until he kicks the users out. If he’s okay living with drug users he may be using himself in such case he’s not fit to parent until he goes to rehab and takes some parenting classes. Contact an attorney and see what can...