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  1. M

    14 hours in the pediatric ER- the most grateful I’ve ever been for breastfeeding

    @dkd Yeah. All of baby and nanny’s odd behavior over the last week suddenly came into sharp focus when my pediatrician said “her femur is broken.” It was one of those watershed moments. We’re simply horrified and shell shocked. Our share family is too. I’m encouraging them to get their baby...
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    14 hours in the pediatric ER- the most grateful I’ve ever been for breastfeeding

    @sirsteve We’re not quite sure what’s going to happen with CPS. We’re hoping they follow up with the nanny even if that means continuing to investigate us.
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    14 hours in the pediatric ER- the most grateful I’ve ever been for breastfeeding

    @pollard Thank you! How did you breastfeed her? I’m having a hard time imagining how it will work
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    14 hours in the pediatric ER- the most grateful I’ve ever been for breastfeeding

    @pollard Ohh- hip dysplasia? I have a huge list of questions lol. Was it able to still car fry your baby around? We’re there any special considerations for car seats?
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    14 hours in the pediatric ER- the most grateful I’ve ever been for breastfeeding

    @annalerner Ah interesting. The doctors at the ED said they’d probably put her in a pavlik harness, which I’m kind of having trouble wrapping my head around. Your baby’s cast looks more like what I originally imagined. What type of fracture was it, do you remember?
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    14 hours in the pediatric ER- the most grateful I’ve ever been for breastfeeding

    @loubird Thank you! It’s nice to hear other baby broken bone recovery stories. Things are much better now. She only had a cast for 2 weeks, and was fully healed in about 5 weeks. CPS investigated and found that the nanny fell down the stairs while holding her and didn’t tell us. But pretty...
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    14 hours in the pediatric ER- the most grateful I’ve ever been for breastfeeding

    @vhialemon Uh yeah. The hospital we weren’t treated badly, everyone was doing their best
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    14 hours in the pediatric ER- the most grateful I’ve ever been for breastfeeding

    @annalerner 3-5 weeks is what they predicted. It’s a torus fracture, also near the knee
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    Swimming lessons at 6 months? Chlorinated pool?

    @helkel The American Academy of Pediatrics says there’s a benefit to swim lessons for children 1-4 to prevent drowning, but no benefit under 1. However they also say there’s no harm in it, and it can be a fun bonding activity. I asked my pediatrician awhile back about it and she said she didn’t...
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    14 hours in the pediatric ER- the most grateful I’ve ever been for breastfeeding

    @annalerner Yeah our working hypothesis is that she accidentally dropped the baby or something and thought she was fine so didn’t tell us. However we kept talking to the nanny about how she didn’t seem quite right and the nanny kept dismissing it. Like she would scream hysterically during diaper...
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    14 hours in the pediatric ER- the most grateful I’ve ever been for breastfeeding

    @annalerner May I ask what type of cast or brace they used for healing? My daughter still just has a temporary splint— we’ll be meeting with the pediatric orthopedic team on Monday
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    14 hours in the pediatric ER- the most grateful I’ve ever been for breastfeeding

    Idk if there’s much of a point to this post-There’s so much on my mind right now and I’m just kind of using reddit like a diary to process my emotions. Here’s one of them. It’s a long story but on Friday afternoon we found out my 6 month old daughter’s femur is broken. It likely happened on...
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    Daycare swaddled my 9.5 mo for naps

    @mum2017 You.... think the daycare is somehow unaware that a 9 month old baby can roll?
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    Breech baby, planned C Section, any benefits of going into labor before C Section?

    @tracyqueen I can’t speak on the c-section issue but I looked into the research on waiting until 42 weeks to induce labor and the data is very clear that is not better than getting baby out at 41 weeks. Risks of complications, including still birth, go way up.
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    What do you do during wake windows???

    @misslou You can also have her practice tracking things with her eyes and moving her head and neck by slowly moving the cards in different directions while she follows. This is one of my two month old’s favorite activities.