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    37 weeks, twin girls, natural or section?

    @lisajcoleman1 In my city there are big differences between hospital policies for twin deliveries - several are happy to do breach extraction for twin B, including the big world renown teaching hospital. So there are several legitimate, medical opinions on this, but ultimately you want a doctor...
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    Am I wrong?

    @saved1970 Even if you didn’t have toddler twins it would be completely reasonable to say no! It doesn’t matter what other people think you “should” want or be willing to do. Also, that trip sounds like hell to me, too.
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    Am I wrong?

    @nathie Yes, this.
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    Does anyone feel that twins is just a setup to fail?

    @balancedworld I 100% felt that way at 21 months. (And the vast majority of the time before then, too). We are currently at 28 months and oh my god it is finally feeling fun. I can speculate as to why - their communication is way better, they’re funny, they entertain themselves and each other...
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    2.5 yo b/g twins. Constant fighting

    @mesosearch Hi this is my life too. Sounds like we’re trying the same things, so no real advice. Something I tried today was making up a story for my kids about a family of foxes (that mirrored our family) where the two kiddo foxes get along SO WELL (with some specific examples about sharing...
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    IVF Twins: 2 girls, or 1 boy + 1 girl, what would you pick?

    @chuckm We had four euploid embryos and they all had the same grade. We picked one of each so that if one stuck we wouldn’t know which and we could still be surprised by the sex. And honesty, I didn’t think anything would work at that point. I was so sick of infertility and IVF by then. I’m so...
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    IVF Twins: 2 girls, or 1 boy + 1 girl, what would you pick?

    Also - I was in great shape, too, zero risk factors for anything other than being 36-37. And I acquired a large number of scary complications. There are complications that they don’t tell you about that you’re at much higher risk for because of IVF, too - both my placentas had velamentous cord...
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    IVF Twins: 2 girls, or 1 boy + 1 girl, what would you pick?

    @chuckm We transferred two euploid embryos on our third try with IVF, after two failed transfers and a couple years of trying before that. At that point we were desperate and hoping anything would stick. Our doctor suggested it but didn’t push it. I was about to turn 37, so we were sort of open...
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    Update: The message I sent my therapist. This was hard for me to do, but thank y'all for giving me the courage. ♥️

    @djseb Her reply to this will tell you everything you need to know about whether you two will be able to work together moving forward. If she’s the least bit defensive or doubles down at all… bye!
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    How long do your babies sleep? What’s your sleep setup?

    Okay one other thing (and I credit that la leche league fb group for all the bf’ing and pumping knowledge) - know that pumping output is almost always not representative of what your babies can transfer at the breast. They’re much more efficient than the pump! So pumping and bottle feeding won’t...
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    How long do your babies sleep? What’s your sleep setup?

    @lemonbalm Ours slept max 3 hour stints at that age. You’re in the thick of it! Here are my two cents - and I think these might all be unpopular opinions… We also ended up bed sharing, and it absolutely gets us all the most sleep. Definitely google the Safe Sleep Seven - it’s the...