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  1. R

    F**k viruses

    @downtherabbithole Yeah we had covid for the first time in October and since then we’ve been constantly sick with different things. My partner and I have had more viruses in the last three months than we had in the preceding ten years. I’m not surprised that covid screws your immune system, our...
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    My baby is 3.5 months old and will not feed. I’m losing my mind

    @whiteybeefcake We had some success with syringe feeding our daughter but it’s a long winded process. Maybe you can start him on solids at 4 months? I know they can recommend starting solids early for some babies with feeding issues.
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    Toddler tantrums are ruining my life

    @benzohar Oh god in public tantrums/screaming is the worst, it’s so anxiety provoking. It’s not really possible to just let them get it all out or spend time talking them down because you’re in front of loads of people who are being disturbed by it or just looking at you making your own panic...
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    Wondering if I’m going to regret our sleep habits in the future

    @pastorinny My daughter woke every 1-2 hours for the first 14 months and it’s almost killed me! Like I’ve developed anaemia, have terrible memory problems etc. But she doesn’t like cosleeping so we couldn’t do that, just up and down all night! It’s a bit better now but still hard. It’s good to...
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    Comments about baby’s weight

    @angelbaby777 Oh yeah I had that about my baby too, hated it.
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    Wondering if I’m going to regret our sleep habits in the future

    @pastorinny How did you cope waking every two hours for that long?
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    Comments about baby’s weight

    @tygra_1983 Yes you never know what someone is going through and how harmless comments from your perspective could be hurtful so it’s best to refrain from commenting on it at all!
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    Comments about baby’s weight

    @tygra_1983 Ugh I said this to someone the other day about their baby being small but it was only because we were in a group for 0-18 months and mine is now 17 months old so seeing how small the much younger babies were reminded me of how much mine has grown, so I meant small as in, oh my god...
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    Feeling like a bit of a failure

    @byhimforhim Our baby is 9 months old and still wakes every two hours. No one understands these creatures! They all do their own thing. I don’t get the routine people either. Especially during the first few months, it’s like, you have a routine?!! What? how? There is no logic to my baby!
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    Comments about baby’s weight

    @iktmrl Yes it’s like some people think if you’re pregnant or are raising a baby, suddenly you’re not a person anymore, you’re a vessel for the future of humanity and therefore become the property of all humans.
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    Feeling like a bit of a failure

    @byhimforhim Our baby is 9 months old and still wakes every two hours. No one understands these creatures! They all do their own thing. I don’t get the routine people either. Especially during the first few months, it’s like, you have a routine?!! What? how? There is no logic to my baby!