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  1. D

    WFH mom in need of advice on: childcare, sleep, BF weaning

    @eon2 Nothing until this past week worked for sleep. I finally decided to try to slow down her transition. Since we co-sleep, I started putting her down for her nap on the bed. I've been patting her back to help her fall asleep. Then I sit in the room until she wakes. The first two naps she...
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    WFH mom in need of advice on: childcare, sleep, BF weaning

    @katrina2017 Thank you for your support. It's been challenging, but I'm making it work. I'm looking into daycares, however, I live in SLC. It's nutty here in all aspects of living. I think she'll like daycare, too, once she is comfortable.
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    WFH mom in need of advice on: childcare, sleep, BF weaning

    @echo17 Thank you for your support! I'm hoping to find some childcare soon. This helps me and makes me feel so much better!
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    WFH mom in need of advice on: childcare, sleep, BF weaning

    @rosesz Thank you! I'm grateful that my DH does help with bedtime. Just this week, I've been working on getting rid of contact naps. She's been doing great. Her dad has been able to nap her twice. I'm hoping that this will help him feel more connected. Also, I dropped the nurse to sleep for...
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    WFH mom in need of advice on: childcare, sleep, BF weaning

    @affitapoux Thank you! I decided contact naps needed to go asap. She's been doing great this week!
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    WFH mom in need of advice on: childcare, sleep, BF weaning

    @luca E literally just turned the corner on solids. She used to cough and gag all the time with solids. This is much less of a problem now. And I'm transitioning her from contact naps and it's working! She is still pretty clingy these days, seems like that has increased over the last couple...
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    WFH mom in need of advice on: childcare, sleep, BF weaning

    I have an one year old daughter, E. She has been home with me since day 1. She's been extremely attached to me since day 1. E didn't really tolerate her dad (my DH) until around 7 months. I've BF her all along and still do. We cosleep, no one else in the bed but us. She contact naps. All of this...