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    S.I.T.B.A.C.K. with twins

    @sp538 We use a sound machine now but may need to go louder. Been waiting on our blackout curtains for 2 weeks, after which I think I'll have some better success. Twin 2 sleeps better if I put a burp rag on his eyes. 😋
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    S.I.T.B.A.C.K. with twins

    @sarahjane5595 This is so helpful, thank you. I am getting started on minor aspects of sleep training rather early (ours are just barely 3 months) with an eye on better schedules and routines being in place before we really go full SITBACK. Perhaps some of my concerns will resolve in the coming...
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    S.I.T.B.A.C.K. with twins

    @johnvladimir All good perspective and a welcome reminder. Ty
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    S.I.T.B.A.C.K. with twins

    Have any twin parents had success with Taking Cara Babies' SITBACK sleep training method? Our boys are getting closer to ready for sleep training. One already puts himself to sleep well after a calming routine, but the other gets anxious any time he's put down not fully asleep. When he cries...