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    HepB Vaccine for Newborn

    @joannayang In the U.K. only high risk neonates are vaccinated, otherwise infants at 8, 12, 16 weeks. The Green book is the U.K. vaccination guides and has loads of references, including some discussion on neonatal and preterm vaccination...
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    “Cosleeping/bed-sharing creates dependent children”

    Also sorry for a bunch of old blog posts but I came across this old postrecently on the concept of self soothing in infancy and to cut a long story short it was just a generic term applied to babies who woke and went back to sleep without crying that has been misappropriated to imply a taught skill
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    “Cosleeping/bed-sharing creates dependent children”

    @jess75 This article although not specifically about bedsharing has some links to studies about it, and also should give you some reassurance that deliberate separation from your infant is really not required for independence, and securely attached kids are more independent and less clingy...
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    Sleep begets sleep... or does it?

    @mikesmiles I think the phrase is misleading - there’s clearly a point where too much day sleep is going to affect night sleep. I definitely wouldn’t force naps, if your baby is giving you 13 hours whatever happens, I’d be aiming to keep more of those at night than in the day! Do what works for...
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    Success Story - sleep training during 4 month regression (4.5 months)

    @laurenelizz STAY STRONG! Don’t let them manipulate you them into feeding them overnight. This is where so many parents go wrong.