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  1. P

    Q for Parents who started using Cloth w Newborn

    @rui I’ve done cloth from the start with both of my babies. My first was 7.5lbs at birth and we used green mountain diapers newborn prefolds and workhorses in thirsties size one covers. She wore those for at least a month before we moved into GMD size small. My second was 5 lb 13 oz so I bought...
  2. P

    Increasing milk supply

    @mom23 Yes!! I had no idea about low supply either and I told my midwife I wished they had provided some education on it so I wouldn't have felt so blindsided by it. I love lowsupplymom and I learned so much from and got so much comfort from her account when I was really struggling with my low...
  3. P

    Increasing milk supply

    @chelseyylynn44 I'm happy that this worked for you and so many others, I just want to make a shoutout for the moms who tried/will try everything under the sun to increase their milk supply (teas, supplements, oatmeal, dom, power pumping, etc.) and got little or no results this is not your fault...