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  1. J

    I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

    @sweetpotato11 Ever since I’ve been pregnant the noise is just killing me. I know he can’t help it but like d a m n
  2. J

    I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

    @garthman33 I’d love to enjoy the quiet if my husband wasn’t letting me know how GOOD HE IS SLEEPING 😤😤
  3. J

    I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

    @georgengondo With my first I was induced at 39 w pit, unmediated for around 7 hrs, then epidural at the recommendation of my OB. I was young so I was like sure whatever nbd. Best experience of my life, easiest labor and delivery!
  4. J

    I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

    @georgengondo I’m just surprised I’m still pregnant! I got induced with my first so like maybe my body’s just waiting for that ~good good~ pitocin, but like g i r l it’s time to head out. This kid is going to walk out of me with a briefcase and a salaried job at this point.
  5. J

    I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

    UPDATE! I finally got called in at around 16:00, got here and checked in! We’re all hooked up, epidural started, just waiting for the kid now! Original post~ Hi hello. I’m 41 weeks pregnant, 3-4 cm dilated, 90% effaced. My induction was scheduled for LAST NIGHT. Am I at the hospital? No, of...