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  1. R

    Struggling with ST culture

    @jujus Such a beautiful summary. Thank you for sharing. I think you’ve hit the nail right on the head. It’s much easier to turn a blind eye, or choose not to know. And having had some absolutely shocking nights for months on end, I can absolutely see why people would pay $ (and therefore see...
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @galileee Your second last paragraph is very important. I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. I feel the same way too
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @jujus What an incredible job you are doing to raise twins! It breaks my heart my heart to hear about your brother and wife. And it breaks my heart to not say anything to people that I come across as I feel I’m doing a disservice to the child and even the parents. I know if I was a parent and...
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @amanda911 Drained and un empowered is how I feel too. I have tried to discuss it very tactfully and I lost a friend over it. Ironically, I am not too keen on being her friend now either knowing what she does with her children and her inability to acknowledge fact. I know factually...
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @latyneyez That’s the thing. It’s so instinctual to respond isn’t it ❤️. I don’t think anyone would instinctually set a timer on their phones for different intervals or pick up/put down their children in a cot. People are only doing this because someone has told them to.
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @andee She is. She has plenty of people who try to pull her up on her misinformation, but she does nothing about it. She once posted two pictures of what she said was breastmilk side by side and said that they were showing how one was more nutritious than the other as it was timed feeding and...
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @ivan5123 Me too!! 👏🏼
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @1st%E2%80%A0company%E2%80%A0of%E2%80%A0christ I don’t want to give it any more advertising, but it’s Save Our Sleep. Horrible author with no qualifications. She also promotes timed feeding as being more nutritious for infants. She also promoted wearing sleep sacks in car seats at one point...
  9. R

    Struggling with ST culture

    @campbellsd Yep. And this author claims you should also keep a tally and mark when you “win” against your baby. It’s a best selling book stocked in places like Kmart and all the main book stores. A top seller on Amazon too.
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @taisho I’ll look into the book too. Thank you!
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @taisho Oh I’m absolutely verbal about co sleeping. I find it weird that anyone finds it weird? My LO is 2.5 now though. Definitely no dark rooms and white noise here.
  12. R

    Struggling with ST culture

    @sevenout03 I read a page book, a best selling book at that, that claims infants vomit for attention. This author recommends laying down multiple sheets or towels to remove when that happens and tells parents not to look in the babies eyes or give them any attention. Wtf alright.
  13. R

    Struggling with ST culture

    A friend told me is “really strict” with her 12wk old baby who she won’t let sleep on her at home so she leaves her on a pod on the couch. Another who said their 12wk baby will read those black & white picture books for “hours on end”. And that you “just need to be comfortable with leaving your...