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  1. L

    My ex dumped his kid on me and my life is in shambles

    @emma1em It surely up to some authority to step in to at least locate bradens father or family? If this was me i would go the route of permanent adoption so that Jade (great name!) has a brother, and so braden doesnt get dumped in the system after which, I would get an IVO on his father for my...
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    Send thoughts and prayers

    @simmons1 Idno mate Ihad a pulminary embolism recently, long story..and am barely able to walk rn, shouldnt b out of hospital. Single mum, still getting up before sparrows fart for my son who is heavy and way over the top lately. Been on the phone since voluntary discharge from hospital a few...
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    Is an inconsistent father worth being in a kids life?

    @nothingtoknow He has to pay child support. Each time dad offers, let the kids choose if they want to see him and make sure he has decent plans for them or id say no, hes not just turning up twice a year for a holiday and to justify himself, he has to do better than that like take them shopping...
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    Is an inconsistent father worth being in a kids life?

    @nothingtoknow Oh yuck, what a loser. Does his new bird know what a pos he is? What he did to you, he will do to her too just you wait and see. The kids will choose what they want out of it, try not to influence them and ignore him, let them choose what they will allow of him. If he lets them...
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    Dad abandoned us in hospital

    @katrina2017 Thank you so much for sharing your story, as a father. I know this behaviour can come from either gender and it absolitely rattles me to the core how quickly people we once trusted can become so unhinged. I admire your strength in your situationship. Mine is still present and i am...
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    Dad abandoned us in hospital

    @killalljewishpeople2934 Yes thankyou, i told him today that its over and he can seek courts, since the mediator has already forwarded the case as urgent, if he indeed wants an "entitlement". He demanded at me that i owe him this entitlement, called me a bunch of names and laughed at me. On one...
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    Dad abandoned us in hospital

    Day 10 single parenting a 2.5 yr old with severe never ending "gastro" He's still vomiting and dihorrea. Hospital were hopeless and werent even sure if it was gastro after 3 days. He got it in his dads care but his dad refuses to answer any questions tells me to "piss off" for asking anything...