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  1. F

    [Rant/Need Advice] I bought an Onbuhimo that was advertised as BNIB off the Facebook B/S/T group, and it REEKS of cigarette smoke

    @artofthecovenant Even if you could get the smell out would you really want it still? I’d start with contacting the seller and go from there. I have seen that Facebook group go hard on any seller who has been dodgy. I have even see the owners of happy baby chime in.
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @squanto Now it’s 5 nights for him and I get the rest. But for years he just had every other weekend. He’s the typical dad that’s has he wants to be there and I’m the one who holds him back….. but when time came he just wasn’t there for the kids and still is often absent. To start with the kid...
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    Name starting with 'j'

    @degarciasd Jay
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @margrethe Yes divorce. I’ve done it and it was super scary. Part of me after we separated was thinking “was it that bad? Really” . Yes yes it was that bad. Now I’ve got a new husband and he does all those things you have just mentioned that your current husband doesn’t. My husband now actually...
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @sweetsocalbutterfly2019 So the biggest issue is the “fun money” bucket. If you aren’t working say because you are home caring for kids…. You also have no fun money. Should just be equal for both regardless of what you bring to the table. Of course there are situations where someone is...
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @sweetsocalbutterfly2019 Because you both still contribute to the household as equal partners Why would you penalize someone because they happen to have a lower paying job? What happens when you have kids and don’t work for a little while or drop to part time? Just because you earn less...
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @sweetsocalbutterfly2019 Everyone in a household puts their money towards the household. It’s not his and hers. Keep an equal amount separate for fun spending (what ever number is fine with the joint incomes). But everything else from bills, dinner dates, mortgage, saving for travel and holidays...
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @sheogorath87 I feel like any married relationship that divides money up this way is destined for divorce.
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    Is my ex being reasonable with her demands of meeting anyone I’d have around our kids before they’d meet them?

    @athena1312138 So she is being unreasonable. It comes from a good place of concern for her kids. But it is unreasonable. My suggestion is to grey rock all if her insults and drama. And just start living your life. It’s insulting to you as their dad that you can’t make a safe choice for your...