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    Supporting big families

    @meraki Family of 5 (with 1 on the way, due in the spring). I’m a SAHM, my partner is a Managing Consultant at a BI firm.
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    when did you have your first?

    @guitarofgod I got pregnant with my first at 24. I ended up miscarrying at 3 months but got pregnant fairly quickly thereafter and ended up having my rainbow baby at 25. Currently I’m 27 and we have three kids. Like you, we want a big family and in an ideal world, I’d like to be done in my mid...
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    5 under 5?!?

    @wren84 I typically combo feed for a number of reasons but I do agree with you - they definitely get a milder case of whatever bug is floating around.
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    5 under 5?!?

    @starofhope I think we’re definitely going to have to move soon-ish. We really want to make the space work for as long as we can because we moved while rents were low (peak pandemic) so we’d easily pay $750 - $1000 more than what we’re paying now. Hopefully we can make it work, but we’re...
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    5 under 5?!?

    @runswithdogs Definitely a good tip! My babies have gotten the RSV vaccine. Not as much of a challenge as you think. Kid #4 always gets loaded in first since she’s still very small. Big kids have been conditioned to hold hands and hold onto an adult (or hold onto my leg while loading baby sis...
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    Gender patterns?

    I have 4 kids (currently pregnant with my 5th). I always find it fascinating with families that have lots of kids what genders came in what order. I have B,G,G,G. No idea what Baby #5 is, but we’ll find out at delivery. What about you guys?
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    5 under 5?!?

    @sal4 Congrats to you!! I feel pretty good! I’d say I’m pretty athletic though and I think that helps A TON. I still plan to run/strength train during this pregnancy (pending complications of course). I’m also young (I’ll be 30 by the time bub is born) and have quite frankly spent thousands in...
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    5 under 5?!?

    @jennifers60 We will definitely need a bigger car. While we have a 7 seater currently, we need one of the back seats folded down all the time to get my daughter in. So time is definitely ticking on that.
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    5 under 5?!?

    @preston354 You’re a saint.
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    5 under 5?!?

    @abzin44 I’m honestly leaning more towards this. I don’t think a mask could be kept on at all.
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    5 under 5?!?

    @abzin44 My oldest goes to JK this fall which is what I’m mainly worried about. The other kids aren’t in daycare so I can mitigate the risk there.
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    5 under 5?!?

    @gutierrezangela67 We homeschool as well (pre school, so mainly play based learning), but I’m wondering if it would make sense just doing that at least for JK. He’s registered, so if we change our mind we could send him to school, but the amount of illness that runs through schools is crazy.
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    5 under 5?!?

    @cinderedsoul I do breastfeed but not exclusively. My supply tend to come in hot for the first couple months and tank pretty quickly after that. So I still breastfeed in conjuction with pumping/formula. Either way, they’re getting breastmilk for at least 6 months.
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    5 under 5?!?

    @alexanderjt At one point we had 3 under 2! That so far was the hardest. They already run to me whenever the baby needs something. They’re very help despite me never imposing baby help on them. We’re HUGE sous vide fans! I bought my husband one for Christmas years ago and it gets tons of use in...
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    5 under 5?!?

    @getonyourfeetmusic We actually had self-imposed visitor restrictions lol. Our first three were born during lockdown, so there were absolutely no visitors. My husband couldn’t even go to the NICU with our first (April 2020). When we had our fourth in March last year, we realized how much we...
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    5 under 5?!?

    Are we crazy?!? We very well might be! My husband and I found out that we’re pregnant with baby #5 last weekend! Still waiting for my doctor to come back from vacation so I don’t have anymore details besides that lol. We’ve always wanted a big family, and it think it’s pretty neat to have them...
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    Try for baby #4 or be done?

    @lesigny Thank you for this! For context, I’m 27 (so is my partner) so I know I have quite a bit of time reproductively speaking. My partner says to maybe shelf the idea until the girls are three and if that desire is still there, then we can try. I think you’re right though, I think I’ll...
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    Quad stroller anyone?

    @cptbobproffesoromemeology I only ran with all three if my husband was around. Whoever was running the longer distance would take the single.
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    Spacing between #3 and #4?

    @bob999 It’s still hard to say - #4 is only 8 months old. The gap is 22 months between #3 & #4 however #3 is a twin. I find now that my daughter is more mobile (crawling, pulling to stand) the “older” kids interact with her more.
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    Quad stroller anyone?

    @hekter Once upon a time I had 3 under 2. I used the Thule Urban Glide double (my husband and I are both runners) and an Ergo Baby.