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  1. I

    Greek yogurt vs homo milk

    @heloise23 So… what is it??? My guess was going to be donated breast milk from a gay 🤣
  2. I

    Fashionable shoes?

    @mike12912 Piggy backing a bit! But I need some nice looking but attractive sandals and would love recommendations! Maybe gladiator style? But not too heavy looking, want to wear with sun dresses as well as jeans. (They’d also be good for some work places)
  3. I

    Is anyone else's pets driving you C R A Z Y during WFH?

    @myles0 I have a similar issue with one of our two cats, (note to self, when picking out a kitten, do not pick the one literally climbing the walls) and my toddler is also cared for at home while I WFH. But my office is upstairs, like stairs up and directly into one random room. No hall or...