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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @markiplier Thank you for those recs! I had t heard of Ariel before. I’ll check those out and see if they have a milder smell.
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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @jesusishere Ok, I will try comparing scents then. Lighter seems better for sure!
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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @lifeword Haha thank you!!
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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @otu12345 Ok! I’ll check at the store today and see. Thank you for that info!!
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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @otu12345 Because I’ve read Calgon is scented - I am very aware of artificial/cleaning scents. But if it means clean diapers and a happy baby, we’ll use it!
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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @isaiah122 Thank you! It’s also at the Walmart near me too!
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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @isaiah122 That is great to hear about the success of your scent-free wash routine! Do you order All F&C powder online or find it locally?
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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @eufrats And you do extra rinses even with hard water? Do you add any borax to the rinses?
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    Mama Koala 2.0 vs Texas Tushies AIO

    @alpacachex That’s alright! I did the same thing - bought 6 of the AIO’s to try out (and to try out AIO overall, and liked that the inserts were separate to try faster). Thanks for the reply!
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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @rexcolin I did find that in washing w/ hard water guides, so I have only been doing the pre-wash on cold, then the main wash on warm or hot/and usually with other clothes laundry so there’s ample agitation because our stash is small right now.
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    Mama Koala 2.0 vs Texas Tushies AIO

    @alpacachex Do you use TT pockets too? Are the snaps/fit the same, or is it just the AIO and attached inserts that are making these poor fit?
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    Mama Koala 2.0 vs Texas Tushies AIO

    @alpacachex I’m not liking the fit of the TT AIO, which is a bummer because I want to like them more! They fit weird around the waist no matter if it’s tighter or looser, and the inserts want to peek out from the back or sides like you mentioned.
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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @rexcolin That may be a thing! So maybe the OG powder would work great for all laundry for the whole house then. Thank you, I really appreciate it!! We haven’t had any noticeable issues the few days we’ve used/washed them. But between the hard water & ineffective detergent, I hope we avoid...
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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @rexcolin I haven’t tried it yet. Currently we use Tide pods for my husband’s work clothes, and I can tell that was used when I move clothes from the washer to the dryer (it’s faint, but I still smell it 😅) I will consider that! I’ve seen other posts/groups saying how Tide OG powder does...
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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @rexcolin No known skin sensitives, solely repugnance of strong fragrances added to products!
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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @graceadele Gosh :( that’s why I’m not continuing with the cloth diapers till I get softeners and better detergent in place tomorrow. I appreciate you sharing the lesson learned! The Charlie’s will be here Wednesday, but I’m also getting Calgon to try too. I’ll update you if Charlie’s works...
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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @graceadele Ok! I think I will look into Charlie’s, especially if it’s unscented. I’ve seen a lot of anecdotes of plain ole borax leaving residue, wearing out diapers quicker, or not working w/ wash routines that had very hard water. And if you’ve had good results since the build-up pickle...
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    Destash Q?

    @kexonplastic I’ve bought diapers off Poshmark, and I’m planning on selling some on there too. What brand and condition are yours??
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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @graceadele Ok! I guess that makes sense Charlie’s booster is a different kind of borax (I didn’t know that.. also didn’t compare ingredients yet haha). Thank you for that info!
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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @lovefor3va Hello fellow Arizonian! And thanks for sharing your methods!