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  1. V

    I’m 8 weeks pregnant with twins and have a 10 week old baby

    @eb3 I didn’t even know people ovulated basically immediately after pregnancy
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    Toyota Highlander w/ 3 Qs!

    @ognerd So if you put the bucket seat in the back row without a base you can put it in the ‘1’ and have the ‘2’ folded down for cargo / strollers. It’ll get you through. I feel like you could make it work if you plan to stop at three but if you go to four while they all need car seats you’ll...
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    Toyota Highlander w/ 3 Qs!

    @ognerd Bucket seat in the back row without a base, just clipped in with the belt, for the newborn. 2yo might have to go front facing a bit sooner than you’d like to make space for the youngest to be rear facing when they out-grow the bucket seat. It can be done but you’ll need to make a few...
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    Morning routine inspiration

    @blessingsbe I find that I have to get up before the kids get up to have a chance of getting anything done. Also I do as much as possible the night before. We’ve also fallen prey to the siren song of screen time before, but the meltdowns when it had to go away and the way it made their general...
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    Hubby frequent long naps

    @megan120711 Is he doing a lot of manual labor? Night shifts? If it’s a desk job then I’d be pissed. Do you think he’s actually tired or is it an excuse for some me time?