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  1. P

    Will my only be too lonely?

    @peacebwu2017 Oh that’s so tough. Your situation sounds a little like mine. Although, I think my husband is just scared. I think two kids will be really hard for the first few years, but then get easier once they are a little older. I plan on putting my son in part time child care or hiring a...
  2. P

    Will my only be too lonely?

    @peacebwu2017 Yes this was also a huge surprise for me. I always knew I wanted kids (or a kid), but I had no idea how much I would love motherhood. It’s so much work, but I just love it so much. Originally my husband wanted two and I only wanted one. Our son is a delight so I think that’s...
  3. P

    Will my only be too lonely?

    @momof452 I think your son will be happy either way, as an only or as an older brother. I know a lot of people think having a second so their first is not alone is the wrong reason, but this is why I’m going to try for a second. If they are not close that is okay, at least he will have another...
  4. P

    Are my concerns not worth choosing not to have another, and will I regret it?

    @jello123 I decided to have a second kid, and now that I am past pregnancy and the newborn stage, I am super happy that I did. My kids adore each other and it makes me so happy.