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  1. T

    A Skill/hobby for 8 years from now..

    @christianmusing Gardening, music, swimming - these are three we've focused on with our daughter. Not sure how well they hit all of your goals. I think almost any skill can be entrepreneurial, under the right circumstances. Instead you need to teach him not to be scared of failure, and to...
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    A Skill/hobby for 8 years from now..

    @christianmusing I've got a page on the wiki with lots of information about teaching kids to code: If you look into it, feel free to edit it, add to it, or clean it up!
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    School lottery blues- I guess we messed up!

    @deano1 I understand your concern, but don't stress too much. I'm sure the local STEAM school will be ok. Most importantly every school has good and bad programs within the school, and as an involved parent you can find the best programs for your daughter. Whatever school your daughter...
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    Our family bicycling success story (crosspost to /r/bicycling)

    @labonall Sorry this got caught in the spam filter. The gyrowheel looks pretty interesting. We've got an attachable trailer with pedals & 3rd wheel, kinda like this: I think it is helping my daughter with her desire to...
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    Does anyone have any links to good parent and toddler exercise videos?

    @darrellmoneyhon Check out go noodle on YouTube