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  1. C

    My 8 y/o daughter came out as bi but she doesn’t understand what the means and I need advice

    @raptureman2020 Mom of a gay daughter here. Our daughter came out to us at 11, but she was showing very clear signs ever since elementary school that her interests lay with girls, so we weren’t exactly surprised. Things like: Posters of Taylor Swift and Hannah Montana in her room, not One...
  2. C

    How much allowance is reasonable for parents?

    @felipesaron I think there’s a cultural element here that perhaps most of us are not familiar with. Are you from an Asian background? If so, you might be better served posting in a sub specific to that heritage, as people will be familiar with the cultural expectations around giving your parents...
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    Feeling like a failure

    @thudomi1582 Hi, autistic mom of an autistic daughter here. I would bet money that he is masking and putting all his energy into behaving at school, and then letting loose all the accumulation tension at home. It’s a compliment (I know you don’t feel very complimented right now, but stay with...