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  1. B

    Parents, I need some advice regarding my cat and my newborn son.. Can you help?

    @sketchy Yes, he is. And we watch him. Hes never done anything remotely close to the baby. Usually when hea napping one of us is in the room.
  2. B

    Parents, I need some advice regarding my cat and my newborn son.. Can you help?

    @sketchy He does naps during the day. Did you mean at night? Hes allowed in basically 24/7 just not when we sleep. Never seen him try to jump into the bed when the baby is there. He can come in at night say we watching tv in bed. He can come in and lay with me but once tv is out he has to...
  3. B

    Parents, I need some advice regarding my cat and my newborn son.. Can you help?

    @katrina2017 Alright thanks for the advice. Wont put anything over the bed. Question, if the net has holes and is high and out of reach of his arms is it still a strangulation risk? Ok i wont take a chnce but still bust asking? I mean a baby cant get out of his crib he cant stand (not yet) and...
  4. B

    Parents, I need some advice regarding my cat and my newborn son.. Can you help?

    Me and my wife just had a baby and I have a 5 year old cat who I love (almost as much as my son) xP. My cat and I have been best buds for 5 years now and well every night he comes to sleep on me. Since we have a small apartment, our baby sleeps next to us in our crib. Well my wife loves cats...