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    4 month sleep regression vs something else

    @tom_the_doubter Oh nap refusals as well? I feel for you! I remember the fights for 20 minute naps and it is not fun.
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    4 month sleep regression vs something else

    @feelinglostagain He’s breastfed on demand but even with formula top ups and a dream feed it doesn’t change.
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    4 month sleep regression vs something else

    @dinahtab Well turns out it was good for one night and now it’s back to the same issues. But that one night was great!
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    4 month sleep regression vs something else

    @dinahtab So last night we gave him paracetamol at bedtime and a top up with the 2am feed and he only woke up once at 5am after that! Thank you for the suggestion, even if it was a fluke, I feel so refreshed as I slept from 2am-8am (my husband did the 5am feed) and ready for tomorrow night now!
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    4 month sleep regression vs something else

    @sirvanosnoodle That’s so interesting. We’re slowly starting to introduce solids (more letting him play with it than actually feeding) and I have heard of a few babies where they got better sleep after solids. I’m really hoping it works for us, but it feels like so much false hope.
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    4 month sleep regression vs something else

    @feelinglostagain I know right, makes life easy!
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    4 month sleep regression vs something else

    @feelinglostagain In Australia it’s fine from 3 months and paracetamol from 1 month! 🙂
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    4 month sleep regression vs something else

    @dinahtab We have given paracetamol or ibuprofen at bedtime but I didn’t even consider that he could be waking up after it’s worn off due to the pain. I just assumed it was actual hunger since he’s so chill about it (well, fusses and then cries after a few minutes, fall asleep easily after)...
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    4 month sleep regression vs something else

    I have a 4.5 month old. At a bit over 3 months, we went through a super unsettled sleep phase where he was up every 30-50 minutes, after a while he settled down and we noticed some definite changes in his sleep plus we helped him learn to settle himself. He’s great at falling asleep and often we...