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    Help! Pre-k decision for toddler, second baby on the way

    @ccmrockman I would pick based on your nap schedule. My toddler naps at 2 so the Jewish pre-K would be ideal. Also doing pick up around the same time as dinner and the witching hour might be a little chaotic.
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    Is what I am doing when I am sick wrong? My wife seems to think so

    @disguisedlamb When you're that sick, your spouse should stay home and take care of your kid. I look at it this way, half of their sick days are your sick days. It is absolutely unreasonable to require one spouse to work 100% of the time while the other one gets sick days and vacation days. If...
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    Anyone ever experience an off interaction w/ one of your kid’s providers?

    @roxchristian If this was your only interaction with this person I wouldn't feel personally judged. This is probably their general view of all parents. They don't do homework (parents fault) and unless your kid is in daycare they probably sit in front of a TV all day. It is perfectly reasonable...
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    SAHP - what is your child duty split during off-hours?

    @talisra Agreed, this seems more unfair to the child and the father-child relationship than anything else. Maybe I feel that way because I am doing so much, but with meal prep, cleaning, and half the daytime childcare covered it sounds like OP gets down time and the husband should too. Maybe...