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  1. R

    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    @ava1453 I wash everything on Mondays. I big load of everyone’s clothes, a load of towels, and a load of sheets. Then fold on Tuesdays (or Wednesday… or Thursday 😂) but at least it’s clean!
  2. R

    3 weeks of no diapers and STILL haven’t made it to the bathroom for poop

    @drawingangel2 I had been offering my son lollipops for 💩 in the potty, but it wasn’t until I offered him a cinnamon roll that he actually did it haha. But that wasn’t until 2 months into potty training. Before that he’d just hold it until he had a pull up on for nap or bedtime.
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    Suggestions for short torso 5'3" C-section mom

    @mshelia A woven wrap isn’t stretchy. They can hold much larger weights that way. I haven’t personally used on but you could ask this on r/babywearing and people would have some good recommendations!
  4. R

    When do you have appointments for yourself??

    @uniquetexasgirl Those are my 2 default options along with also choosing a doctor that’s open until 7 or Saturdays so I can schedule a 5pm appt. Thankfully my husbands job is flexible that he can leave a bit early if needed and make up for it another day.
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    Is there a “homeschool” curriculum that you would recommend for pre-k?

    @girdyourloins We did Playing Preschool at 3. I don’t think there’s really any structured curriculum that’s developmentally appropriate before 2.5 at the youngest.