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  1. Q

    Going 0-to-1 vs Going 1-to-2

    @hammertime33 All I can say is it DOES get better lol but you will have the experience of being a parent the second time around so maybe that will help you.
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    Going 0-to-1 vs Going 1-to-2

    @tobyw What I heard once and it's very true in my experience: the first is an existential crisis, the second is just logistics. Going one to two was so much easier than zero to one for me. Mine are 3 1/2 years apart. My second is soooo much easier but I attribute some of that to him being a...
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    How often do you get pushed over the edge and what do you do to stay calm?

    @ajewelinhiscrown I mean, it happens to the best of us, don't beat yourself up. When I lose it I always make sure to repair with my kids. I tell them I'm sorry and explain why I did what I did and also why I should not have done that, and then I tell them I love them and ask them if everything's...
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    Regretting decisions made re: pregnancy

    @greengrace I got pregnant a few years after my first was born. I thought it was what I wanted but I was having a hard time with depression and anxiety-I also had ppd, untreated for a year and a half. I felt like I couldn't do two and we chose to abort. I still think about it sometimes but you...
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    Turning 30, thinking about quitting law school after my first semester to start a family. Advice?

    @ladyghosthunter I'm not a professional anything but I am a sahm with a bachelors degree I got and never used! 😄 4-5 kids is a lot and as someone else said, that's about 10 years being pregnant if you space them pretty close together. I don't know what kind of age gaps you prefer. You also...