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  1. M

    Pregnant by Pull out method

    @uggalugg Perfect use is defined as pulling out before ejaculation each time, which OP reports was the case.
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    Pregnant by Pull out method

    @uggalugg That's "typical use," which includes people who sometimes do not actually pull out or sometimes do not use the condom/sponge/etc. over the course of a year. Does not apply to OP. Here are the stats both numbers come from.
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    Pregnant by Pull out method

    @uggalugg There are zero methods that work all of the time, and they all depend on luck. Doesn't mean they "don't work." The numbers people are giving for method effectiveness are from the CDC - it's 98% for condoms and 96% for pulling out.
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    Samantha Bee brings awareness to Endo and PCOS

    @kristinagator That's great! Honestly learning all I have about fertility in the past few months makes the feminist in me get all indignant. I was lucky that I didn't go on HBC because of anything wrong with my cycles and experienced no negative side effects on it and so far nothing off it...
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    Pregnant by Pull out method

    @adidan1 It went through the same peer-review process as the other methods. It’s similar to how they give men with MFI a yearly percentage chance of conception based on a semen analysis. It’s a perfectly valid, medically accepted method of assessing risk. You’re just biased because you were in...
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    Pregnant by Pull out method

    @adidan1 That is the number from the CDC, and is just as valid as all the other “perfect use” numbers.
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    Pregnant by Pull out method

    @worshipdude Agreed 100%. When people hear that someone got pregnant with a copper IUD (and I've seen at least a dozen of those posts in the short time I've been subscribed to this sub), there's an understanding that they were unlucky and were the 1% that year. But when it's withdrawal, people...
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    Pregnant by Pull out method

    @lijuea Withdrawal used perfectly is 96% effective per year. To figure out its effectiveness over 8 years, you multiply 0.96 x 0.96, 8 times, which = 0.721. So you essentially had a 28% chance of this happening over that timespan - not too crazy that it did.
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    Took Plan B :(

    @ariuna Those are official governments statstics from the CDC. Perfect use according to the CDC means withdrawing fully before orgasm and ejaculating away from the vagina every time, but now most guidelines add urinating between all orgasms. All scientific studies of the subject have not found...
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    Took Plan B :(

    @ariuna Pulling out is 96% effective at preventing pregnancy if you do it correctly, compared to 98% for condoms. Most men don't find it difficult to do correctly.
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    "Pregnancy scares"

    @rakis I agree, a pregnancy scare generally tells you about your ability to get scared, not your ability to get pregnant!
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    "Pregnancy scares"

    @mvillemom It's possible it was an early miscarriage/chemical pregnancy. False positives are pretty rare. Were the subsequent tests days later? Were you using a BC method at the time?
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    "Pregnancy scares"

    @le4069 That definitely counts as a real scare! But false positives are so rare that I would honestly wonder if it was a chemical pregnancy (early miscarriage). Was it a blue dye test or pink?
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    "Pregnancy scares"

    @jeremymeeft Haha yeah. Combination pills are very forgiving. Planned Parenthood actually published a chart a few years ago that said up to two missed combo pills doesn’t require backup if you catch up because it doesn’t really compromise effectiveness (unless they are the first two or the...
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    "Pregnancy scares"

    @pwoods I'm sorry to hear about your assault. I can see how that would lead to all sorts of fears and that's not weird at all to me. But you wouldn't think that any of those say anything about your actual ability to get pregnant, right, just that you tend to worry more than others might? So I...
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    "Pregnancy scares"

    @iampauluk Totally true. People have no idea how fertility works and read all kinds of things as being indicative of pregnancy when they're not, "lateness" being #1. Great that withdrawal worked for you so long but you conceived easily when you stopped! Mention that you use it (and actually...
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    "Pregnancy scares"

    @truckerdan Yeah exactly! If I had had anything that qualified as a genuine pregnancy scare in my mind, I wouldn't call it a "pregnancy scare" but, like, a "miscarriage incident" or an "abortion ordeal." Otherwise it says nothing at all about your ability to get pregnant.
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    "Pregnancy scares"

    I've seen a number of people here mention that they worry they'll have trouble conceiving because they've never had a "pregnancy scare." Honestly, I was on the pill 15 years and good about taking it, so it never really occurred to me to worry that I wasn't one of the 0.3% who got pregnant...
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    26 y/o female grad student freaking out. Please help

    @chinchilla I don’t know what that means. Ovulation cycles are menstrual cycles. Cycles are cycles of ovulation + period (periods always come 10-16 days after ovulation unless pregnant) and the first day of a cycle is counted from the first day of your period.
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    26 y/o female grad student freaking out. Please help

    @chinchilla The tests are totally accurate 12 days after ovulation - they only say to wait until your expected period because most people don’t know when they ovulate. Sex can only result in pregnancy up to 5 days before ovulation so that means ~17 days after sex is definitive regardless of when...