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  1. R

    I’m trying to navigate teen years with my daughter

    @mrsmollett You are not wrong for having boundaries - 15 is still YOUNG! Her first priority needs to be school. How are her grades? How neat/messy is her room? I would put conditions on her being able to spend time with her boyfriend: room must be clean, grades must be good. And then, the time...
  2. R

    Teenage daughter(15) so angry

    @kentonio It does get better! Just wanted to say that … so hugs to you, hang in there.
  3. R

    My daughter failed 9th grade and I do not know what to do about it

    @farmerdex Maybe now that she “hit bottom,” as hard as it may be to believe, sophomore year might be different. If she’s motivated to go to summer school because she doesn’t want to prolong high school, then hopefully she’ll be motivated not to fail sophomore year. Like you said, she CAN do the...
  4. R

    16 y/o sleeps all day, seems depressed

    @thecore1234 Some of that is normal teenage stuff - although very hard to watch as a parent. Having plenty to do usually helps. Maybe mix things up from time to time- even during the week. Go catch a sports game or a movie or go out to dinner. If he’s into acting, maybe check out your local...