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  1. D

    Toddler throwing a tantrum because I cut his pb&j. Do I make a new one or stick to my guns?

    @helivesinyou Same. My kid sometimes throws fits because he’s hungry, and then throws his food. He DOES NOT like to be told when to eat. I’m learning this type of discipline best from my mom, tbh. She watches him while I wfh, and at first I thought it was mean because he didn’t know better...
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    Are we being unreasonable?

    @matthew1423 Kinda. Like, if he’s not using custody time, she can try to get full custody. But that’s not what she wants. She wants him to take the kids on his custody time, which isn’t enforceable.
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    Are we being unreasonable?

    @saveoursoul Your ex does not have to take your kids or even see them. There is no “minimum” custody requirement. You can’t take him to court to demand he use his custody time. Block his calls, use a coparenting app, stop throwing court around as a threat, and stop bringing your partner into...
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    “Coparent” No call no show?

    @ron1999 He isn’t acting like an ideal father, but he’s still her father, and he’s in her life. You still have to interact with him to facilitate visits and calls. That’s coparenting, even if you don’t speak otherwise. I’m not trying to be a dick. I’ve had to learn the same lessons. I’ve been...
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    “Coparent” No call no show?

    @ron1999 Neither does my ex husband. He’s an abusive piece of shit to me and often treats my son like a cute accessory and not a toddler whose needs come first. I don’t like it either. So no, I don’t need clarification, I know what you mean when you use style quotes. It’s clear. But that...
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    “Coparent” No call no show?

    @ron1999 Don’t tell her until he calls or you know for sure he’s following through with a visit. “Daddy has to work/he’s driving etc.” You don’t have to explain anything more than that and shouldn’t. She won’t understand. I’d also work on yourself with the “coparent” and “father” thing. He IS...