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  1. D

    What milestones were hardest for you on your TTC journey?

    @hotinco Lots of painful milestones. It’s a fight to appreciate other things I have in my life that are unrelated to TTC at 4 months i found out I had low AMH for my age and should see an RE missed miscarriage at 12w5d measuring 11 weeks (my NIPT and earlier scans were normal) the one...
  2. D

    The key to having a baby is not to stress about having a baby [F29]

    @srracing I think a lot of it is that people hear stories that confirm their biases. I tried for a while to get pregnant and got pregnant after going on vacation and giving up on getting pregnant naturally. (Ended in mmc at 12w). People like explanations for things as a sense of having control...
  3. D

    What milestones were hardest for you on your TTC journey?

    @jazzgirl50 I had to delete Instagram