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  1. C

    Guilt when Dad looks after baby?

    @genine No. I don’t feel bad asking my husband to parent as a partner. I’m a SAHM. While my husband is working, I don’t bother him unless it’s an emergency (he’s WFH) such as an injury. Outside of when he’s working, we both share the parenting responsibilities evenly. We acknowledge that other...
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    Jogging stroller: BOB, BabyJogger or Thule?

    @abctradelinks I’m team bob for a few reasons: - shorter wheelbase than the Thule, which I personally like the feel of more for walking and running - has legit suspension (the baby jogger one doesn’t have visible suspension) - easy to fold - easy to service with lube etc - cheaper to find used
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    How did y’all potty train multiples?

    @peace608 Ima chime in with my singleton experience, knowing that twins are different and boys vs girls are different. We were super motivated to potty train my singleton girl around 22m so that she was out of diapers before our twins arrived. We tried to using the oh crap no undies method and...
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    Should I get bloodwork done to find out the gender Y or N?

    @asupersquirrel They have one that’s called the snap now or something which my friend did. She said it was super easy. I did the finger lance one and it wasn’t enjoyable and I had a hard time getting enough blood out. You can also have it done in a lab setting if there’s one close by you. Also...
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    Breastfeeding one baby but not the other. How to get over mom guilt?

    @giantgecko I stopped BF my very skinny daughter at 4m and it made no changes except she started growing a lot better. I ALSO have twins, 9m. Both are EFF since the hospital, and usually on the twinZ. They both LOVE me and know me and are super bonded, even with not holding one as much as the...
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    Carrier for warm weather?

    @fayanth I personally never fell in love with wrap carriers or ring slings. I did use my k’tan for a while, and they make a sport version of that. If you are considering a structured carrier: My favorite carrier is the Tula FTG from a comfort perspective. I saw they came out with the Tula Lite...
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    Car seat configuration 3-wide

    @cptbobproffesoromemeology It’s hard enough for me to move one of my twins to the middle seat of our truck over another Keyfit base. I would not choose to go from the front seat. The longer your arms have to be out with that much weight… it’s hard on the body. Even though it’s earlier than...
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    Considering quitting to SAH- looking for perspective on kid in full-time daycare

    @ramonguitar I used to believe that babies didn’t play together, like with my first when we would get together with other babies she would just do her own thing usually. Look at the other kid some, kind of fight over the toys and maybe engage with them 10% of the time. All totally within the...
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    Do all x strap carriers feel similar to ergo embrace?

    @silvercaster Yeah, I tried the Becco Gemini. I liked it a lot better with the H. My favorite carrier though is Tula and they don’t allow for the straps to cross.
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    Do all x strap carriers feel similar to ergo embrace?

    @silvercaster I prefer the H strap because of how it makes my neck feel!
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    Has anyone found a travel bag that fits the double BOB stroller?

    @ajmacia2 I’ve traveled with my single bob multiple times and just gate checked it without a bag. There’s a giant JL Childress one (blue) that supposedly fits it but it isn’t padded.
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    How do I set my wife up in a realistic way for our twins arrival in Jan…

    @faithgirlfl I liked having two bags packed. A “I have to go in and get extra tests since something is going on” but only thought I’d be at the hospital for half a day, and then the real go bag. The separate bag made it easy for me to drive myself to NSTs and such that take forever and have...
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    C section aftercare: a warning

    @lily01 No, just the bush. My incision is below my hairline. I don’t normally shave that area (just keep it trimmed) and was advised by others not to shave down below in the event of tearing during a vaginal birth. Sleeping was fine enough, and I was in the hospital for 3 nights. I would wake...
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    Tula Free to Grow v Tula Explore v Ergobaby Omni Breeze v Boba X — for going on walks

    @silvercaster Breeze: not for me in general. Could never get a good fit with ergos but my husband loves it. I got it used. But I hate how often the slides slide in. I think it’s a design flaw. Explore: my favorite carrier even for inward facing. I find it more supportive than the FTG FTG...
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    C section aftercare: a warning

    @lily01 Ask away! Not OP, but 6w post c-sec! For me, they gave me oxycodone when I was leaving the hospital. Tylenol and ibuprofen was every 6-8h, not 4 like OP. My ibuprofen was supposed to be every 8, but my SIL is a dr, and said I could totally do every 6, so I did that instead and alternated...
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    Tandem wearing with two wraps

    @thanksyoueel I tandem wear with my twingo and find it pretty quick to put on! I’m definitely far from a wrap person though and love my SSC. With how you do it with that, it’s like 30sec between babies going on.
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    5 months pregnant, just found out 3 car seats will not fit in my CUV. Can’t afford a bigger car. Freaking out

    @elise82 The Graco Slimfit definitely fits in my Outback! I could also do 2x keyfits with the Keyfit 35 base and the Slimfit in the middle.
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    Babywearing questioned by total stranger at Costco, said he was a “former physician”

    @mannyman So if they were in distress they would possibly be: moving/arching their back which you would 100% feel crying, which you could hear pulling your hair which you would feel slumped over and not moving (which would also draw your attention) which would possibly concern you enough to...
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    C section aftercare: a warning

    @lovinglife2016 Good god yes. I took colace, milk of magnesia and miralax all to make sure pooping was a breeze. I’d rather have super loose poops than try and engage my bum muscles at all right after. So much less painful!
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    Travel bed for 2 year old

    @gerian I have this one but haven’t used it yet. My SIL recommended it though and her kids loved it. There are also travel kid cots too which my other SIL suggested. Or you can try an extra mattress pad for the PNP. I know they aren’t considered “Safe Sleep” but as long as it fits snugly in the...