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    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    @louise1700 Yeah I haven’t been too worried either because it’s been so intermittent and some vision changes are normal in pregnancy. That’s what’s scary, is that I don’t know what’s normal and what’s concerning! Ugh. Thank you though. I appreciate it.
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    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    @tcdchameleon Thanks :( I am more so just sad because I feel like it’s going to be GD and hypertension/maybe pre-e eventually. Definitely feels like I’m heading down that road!
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    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    @nikki_virginia I’m hoping mine stays borderline for as long as possible. I think knowing things can change overnight is what’s scaring me. I would like to make it to 34 weeks at the very least which is still on the early side. And I’ve got a ways to go until I get there!! Thanks for the tip...
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    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    @goodward Im a little disappointed my doctor didn’t have me test sooner since I have PCOS, too.
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    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    @goodward Thank you. I really appreciate your kind words 🥹 What prompted you to get tested so early for GD? I’m a little concerned I most likely left it untreated for a long time.
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    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    @goodward I am definitely grateful for such a great OB and MFM who work very closely together. It’s just scary. It’s nothing like what I imagined pregnancy to be. And that’s okay. But I just don’t think I was ready for this.
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    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    @fw777 I’m going to buy a blood pressure cuff today. I know my doctor is going to recommend me buying one when I see him next week, anyway. I’m glad everything was okay with you.
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    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    @jordana14 Yeah my appetite has been ruined by this pregnancy. The reflux is unbearable. I’ve always been weird with meat but it’s 50x worse now. Ugh. Thanks though. It does feel like such a huge deal right now!
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    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    @tiffy209 Thank you 😞 It’s just hard because nothing is even appetizing to me except carbs, mainly.
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    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    @peterpalms I really don't have white coat syndrome though, I don't think. I have never had BP issues prior to getting pregnant. However I could be freaking myself out now because I am so worried about my bp, I suppose? I should go get a BP cuff for home, though. You're right!
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    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    @iazlover This was so sweet. I definitely did feel angry and needed to grieve a bit last night. This pregnancy has sucked since week 6 between the nausea, reflux, hip pains, muscle pains, etc. etc. I was totally throwing myself a pity party last night because it’s just been way harder than I...
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    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    @alisa471 So did it progress pretty quickly? And was GD a factor as well, or just BP? My doctors aren't super concerned right now it seems, but I am.
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    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    @alisa471 Did you have the overnight because of the blood pressure? I appreciate you adding the positivity. I’m terrified of that long of a NICU stay. I don’t get short term disability and am panicked about being off work for that long. Did you guys continue to work and visit them each day??
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    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    @annabry This made me feel so much better. Thanks for sharing. I am an anxiety prone person so I am definitely thinking the worst.
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    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    I am about 27 weeks with di/di twins. I failed my 1 hour glucose test today. I go in tomorrow for my three hour. I’m sure I’m going to fail. Yesterday was my baby shower and after I ate, my heart started beating really fast, I got a headache, and I got very thirsty. It was pretty scary but I...